60 Second With… Pills

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60 Second With… Pills


If you could no longer be a musician, what other occupation do you see yourself in?

Andy: DJ in a strip club.


Do your dreams ever influence your music?

Ces: Once John Lennon visited me in a dream and played a secret unheard song to me and I remember the song but it’s shit so I’m not going to record it.


Do you remember the song that was playing when you lost your virginity?

Ces: I am a VIrgin. 


If you could play any instrument in the world, what would be it?

Andy: Probably the ones I already play except good, or maybe the cello.


How did you all meet? What was it that brought the band together?

Andy: Jasper and I met in one of Richard Branson’s call centres. Ces and I are fantastic lovers. Kevin is my brother. I remember him from when he was days old.


Is there anything you would change about the music industry?

Andy: Let the Chief Keef hologram perform the full set.


Would you continue to play music if there was absolutely no money in it?

Andy: That is literally what we are doing right now, so yes.


If you could have anyone review your record or gig, who would it be?

Ces: Nardwuar.


Which rock star do you think you could keep up with in regards to partying, (alive or deceased)?

Ces: I think Fiona Apple.


How do you prepare for a show? Any weird routines?

Andy: Lots of rehearsal. Heaps of bongs. Brown liquor.


PILLS are playing at Laundry Bar on Friday August 14.