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Issue 1642

Words by Gloria Brancatisano

Editor’s Note

You won’t come across a more down to earth trio than our cover stars Skegss. It’s pretty fabulous to come across a bunch of young musicians who are making music solely because they love it so much – and that’s the reason why so many people are drawn to them. I recommend giving their album a spin once it drops, but until then our chat with the band should tide you over.

That’s not all we’ve got this week. We catch up with Angie McMahon ahead of her huge show at The Forum – seriously, she is such a wonder. We also get the goss on newbies Nice Biscuit, find out what Even have been up to, catch up with Custard, and even help you plan out your next trip to Tokyo.

We’re only scratching the surface here, because I don’t like to spoil everything. Surprises are fun too (unless of course you look down the contents list, in which case there won’t be any surprises at all).

On that note, I’m ready to head out into the Spring sunshine – because winter is gone mates. And maybe now I’ll stop talking about the weather all the time. But probably not, because small talk is hard.