Richard Wolstencroft Charged Over LA Zombie

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Richard Wolstencroft Charged Over LA Zombie


Filmmaker and troublemaker Richard Wolstonecroft has been officially charged over his illegal screening of the banned gay zombie porn film.

After screening Bruce LaBruce’s film LA Zombie at the Melbourne Underground Film Festival 2010, Richard Wolstencroft was all over the news for disobeying official orders from the film classification board and secretly screening the film at 1000 Pound Bend.

As a result, he’s now been issued a Diversion Notice that will settle the matter without anything going on his official criminal record. He’ll be required to make a payment to charity.

After much squabbling, Wolstencroft has been standing firm on ground of anti-censorship, screening the film contrary to orders from above in a statement of free speech and expression as well as anti-homophobic sentiments.

Wolstencroft is currently in discussion with his lawyers.

LA Zombie was originally meant to screen at the Melbourne International Film Festival but was quickly removed and banned as it was refused classification, which meant that under Australian law it was unable to be imported, sold or distributed, which includes public screenings.

Tralier if you dare: