Stef Jaric: Urban Comedyist

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Stef Jaric: Urban Comedyist


What’s the central premise of your show? It’s really just the silly things I notice that everyone else takes as normal, the situations I find myself in that somehow turn funny. I feel like I’m a magnet for strange interactions. If there’s a mad person on the bus, they’re probably going to sit next to me.

Is your show based on your true-life experiences? My material relies heavily on my personal true-life experiences, and the strange world around us all. I find all interactions and even the news is a goldmine for comedy, and I try to point out the funny and ridiculous to my audience.

What was the creative process like putting the show together? The creative process in putting a show like this together takes many months and can be described as tedious. Trying out new material, editing, honing it and collating it into a show that flows has taken a great deal of effort.

What’s a fun fact about your show? The show is entirely Melbourne Made, Melbourne centric and for Melbournians. It’s also one of the cheapest comedy shows in the festival, so it’s damn good value.

Who/what are your biggest influences? Ron White is a big influence – I really enjoy the way his material flows and the way he chats with the audience like he ran into them in a bar. Bill Burr is also a huge influence; he seems to find the ridiculous in innocent interactions too and is able to perfect the angry-funny guy thing very well.